5 benefits of cooking with children this Pancake Day!
5 benefits of cooking with children this Pancake Day. The most indulgent day of the year is almost here again. No, we’re not talking about Easter, it’s Pancake Day. The one date in the calendar when you can absolutely eat the same dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
But did you know that making pancakes with your kids could boost their development? By allowing your child to stir the pancake mix or measure out ingredients you’re helping them develop the necessary academic, cognitive and motor skills.
So, whether you’re a parent, grandparent, or foster carer let’s take a look at how you can include the children this pancake day in a fun, engaging way!
5 benefits of cooking with children this pancake day
Cooking with your kids offers a wide variety of opportunities to learn and grow! So, what can a child learn from cooking? Here are the top five benefits of cooking with children.
1. Provides quality family time.
Life can be hectic and stressful, and before you know it you haven’t had a chance to connect with your child as much as you’d like. So, this pancake day why not encourage your children to help you prepare the ingredients or have a pancake flipping competition. That one-on-one time will be invaluable to them, creating memories that will last a life-time.
2. Encourages communication.
When you have more than one “cook” in the kitchen, communication is important. You need to discuss what you’re making and all share out the tasks. Children are more likely to open up and really communicate when they’re truly engaged in a joint activity with you, such as cooking. This, in turn, helps you to stay in-the-know and able to effectively parent and guide them, which is one of the great benefits of cooking with kids.
3. Encourages healthy eating habits.
It’s no secret that when you prepare your own food, you have more control over what goes into your body. If you know exactly what you’re putting into each meal it forces, you to become more aware of each ingredient you’re eating—and the same is true for children. One of the major benefits of cooking with kids is teaching them about proper nutrition and how to cook a healthy, balanced meal. Try filling or topping your pancakes with chopped fruit or go for a savoury treat of cheese and ham.
4. Builds basic academic skills.
Whether it’s sorting out servings, counting out utensils, measuring ingredients, or even reading from a cookbook, one of the major benefits of cooking with kids is helping to build upon their academic skills. Messes may be made! This is not just fun; this tactile play is great for children’s development.
5.Supports confidence and self-esteem.
Children enjoy being included in everyday tasks and often feel an immense sense of pride in helping their parents or carers. By inviting your child to help you cook and praising their efforts, you’ll not only instil in them lifelong positive memories, but also give them one of the most important benefits of cooking with kids: a great self-esteem boost. And the earlier you start, the better.